Terres Inconnues
Terres Inconnues

It may (it is certainly!) be a bit presomptuous for me to make a page dedicated to English considerations on this web site, but heck why not after all? The title Terres Inconnues for 'inexplored areas' or 'unknown places', of this page is meant as a joke, representing the difficulties we have sometimes with English language, and more generally the distance between us, continentals and our british neighbours ;-)
You will find here some considerations of mine written in English (presumably there won't be many) or fan fictions in this same language.

Star Trek: Enterprise

Bad mark: deux sur vingt !: some explanation on the last episode of Star Trek: Enterprise. (March, 4th, 2008)
-> on my site

Xena: Warrior Princess

Double Trouble: a round robin from merpups in which I wrote the chapter 8 (June, 2nd, 1999)
-> on my site

A kiss: following an idea proposed by Wishes, one of the world shortest X:WP fan fiction, 55 words only. (July, 28th, 2000)
-> on my site

Playing time: little John is playing Xena with friends of his. (August, 9th, 2000)
-> on my site

And so was born the little blue dragon: but where does this little blue dragon comes from? Little John has an explanation for you! (August, 27th, 2000)
-> on my site

Avengers: once again following the idea of Wishes, here is a new 55 words stories. (May, 11st, 2001)
-> on my site

maison/home Cat, drcat@playful.com
Créé : 20 mars 2000 -- Created : March, 20th, 2000
Dernière modification : 16 mai 2009 -- Last modification : May, 16th, 2009